When Sable is "bad", I guess that gives her an edge and let's her character do things that she wouldn't do otherwise, in the wrestling ring or in life.
Truth be told, I'd prefer Sable to be a babyface as I'm not particularly fond of seeing the audience boo her or dislike her.
Although, Sable is just so darn likeable that it's often difficult for the fans to boo her! Even when she's "evil", a good portion of the audience will still cheer her on.
Sable is one of those few people in wrestling in that it's just too hard for the majority of the crowd to dislike. - Daniel
Both because i like it when she is a hell cat but i like it when she's a face because i don't like to
hear people booing her! - Chris
face - Ashley
To me seeing as though from what she was treated by saying that she wasn't used right and that she was
never put on raw when she returned, I would prefer her as a face.If not a heel is okay. - Jack aka trish's man
as a heel definitely - Jeff Doherty
she did a great job at both. with tthe diva search BS she would be a great heel right now, but she is
HOTT!! so a face would do her the same justice - Name Not Disclosed
Sable did swell in both roles,
but it was the face Sable of the attitude era that captivated me. She
was an empowering, liberating, not scared to stand up for herself, take
no prisoners kind of woman! - Name Not Disclosed
The face Sable of the attitude
era will always hold a special place in my heart. At a time when she
could've been broadcast in the negative of lights, Sable was an
empowering, liberating, not afraid to take up for herself, take no prisoners
kind of woman. Her demeanor was always calm and collect, but when
pushed...she'd push back! She was an inspiration too many, and one can only
hope for more of those good times in the future. - Bryan
heel - Steve
face befor playboy after that she was just strait up mean but was still hott!!! - Jason Lee
heel! she's plays a good "bitch". i like the fued she had with stephanie mcmahon - Xander
a prefer her as a good face - Prince Louis
I like sable as a heel coz then her character really spices things up
and she stops at nothing until she gets what she wants. - Barry
Def a face, she is someone who can get booed so good, but we love it at
the same time. Even though she is a heel, she is still liked. - Sissle
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