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  • For me, the most gratifying Sable moment had to be when she returned to World Wrestling Entertainment after four long years back in April of 2003. I and many other people thought we'd never ever see Sable in a WWE ring again. I thought it was just too good to be true as Sable's return date just happened to take place on April Fool's Day out of any single day of the year. Well, her return was no lie and it was ever so true that Sable was back (and in black!) in the WWE! At long last, the queen had returned to her throne! - Daniel

  • My favorite sable moment would have to be when she showed up on smackdown back in 2003. I didn't expect sable to show up;. i personally thought she was done but I was wrong - Jesse

  • When sable is in her underwear and fighting in it, sexy sable - Chris

  • when she won the bikini contest and the women title - Ashley

  • My favoirte sable moment was when II first heard her song when she returned on april 3, 2003 during the "Torrie Wilson Playboy Coming Out Party".I was so shocked she was going to return. - Jack aka trish's man

  • when she became a bad girl and danced - Jeff Doherty

  • when she kissed torrie on smackdown - Ravinder

  • other than the playboy!! her relationship with marc - Name Not Disclosed

  • My favorite Sable moment happened on an episode of Raw. Marc was on his continous rant of belittling Sable, and even sent her to the back...leaving Goldust and Luna to be his aids. Halfway through whatever match was taking place, Sable storms from out back with a Vengeance! As Marc tried to force her back off screen, she broke away...and proceeded to deliver one of the nastiest slaps I've ever witnessed to Luna. I was in awe at how such a captivating beauty had the brawn to match! - Name Not Disclosed

  • My favorite Sable moment comes from an episode of Monday Night Raw. Marc as usual, was on his continous belitting of Sable rant. On this episode, he sent her to the back seeing as how he thought she was a distraction..and that Goldust and Luna were enough assistance. Sable did as she was told, but halfway throught whatever match was taking place, Sable re-emerged with a vengeance! Marc tried to restrain her, but Sable had obviously had enough. She broke free of his grasp, and proceeded to deliver one of the nastiest slaps I've ever witnessed to Luna. That beauty along with brawn too match let know this lady means business! - Bryan

  • My favourite Sable moment was when she pinned Luna Vachon at Wrestlemania 14 in the mixed tag team match. This was Sable's first match and she did some great moves. Including the Sable Bomb and TKO. - Robert

  • unforgiven 98 when evening gown was ripped off - Steve

  • her revealing bikini that was just hand prints - Jason Lee

  • when she was topless in the ring for that bikini contest with jackie. she's the only diva that would prance around the ring topless for almost a minute! - Xander

  • may favorite sable moment is all of them but i like't her at wreslemaniac 20 - Prince Louis

  • Best moment as when she got rid of Marc Mero and became a wrestler. That´s moment I re-watch videotape. Never forget Marc´s stunning face after Sable left him in wrestling.---Just love it, great storyline!! - Mika Rissanen

  • © 2006 This site is the official website of Rena Mero.