I am a fan of Rena because I think she is an awesome and beautiful woman. She never ceases to make things more exciting with her mere presence. Not only is she a great wrestling character, but she's a great person as well. - Daniel
Because she is the best diva around. - Chris
because she's a hot babe - Ashley
I love rena because she is a beautiful bombshell who paved the way of womens wrestling today, from the like of
trish to lita and now seeing that the womens division has been picking
up from the year 2002-2004, she made womens wrestling from that year
very competitive and to me I am happy the womens title was re-surrected
in 1998. - Jack aka trish's man
She is hot as hell - Jeff Doherty
She Hot, Sexy, Good Looking - Ravinder
i like the fact that she fits with any gimmic, she is so beautiful - Name Not Disclosed
I can't single out just one thing
because I love Rena as a whole. If I had to choose just one, I'd have to
say her will power. - Name Not Disclosed
Rena is the epitome of what a woman should be. A strong sense of intelligence, with just the right mixture of
brawn, topped with a beautiful inner and outer shell. Plus she's from
my hometown! Does it really get any better than that!? - Bryan
cause she fine as hell even now - Steve
she can kick ass and take names n still
look hott!!! - Jason Lee
I like her atitude and the things she
does on the wwe and she a hot and amazing diva. - Prince Louis
Just her first time ever WWE debut as Marc Mero´s valet just caught my eyes and instantly became her big fan. Despite all WWE divas at present, you´re still most beautiful woman.
You´ve got so much charisma. your sharp look just melts my heart. - Mika Rissanen
I just love Rena becoz she redefined womens wrestling in WWE
and in sports entertainment period. - Barry
She can act, wrestle, mangage, design, loyal to her fans, all of the
above basically, she is the total package. - Sissle
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