Your Moveset & Two Certain Outfits
Q: Hello Rena, how are you doing, I have two questions for you:
1. Is there anymore wrestling moves/subbmissions(ex. arm drag, neckbreaker, etc.) you know how to do but didn't get the chance to showcase them during your first and second run with the WWE.
2. There are two outfits of yours that I loved very much during your second run with the WWE, one of then is the Victoria Secret like catsuit your wore on Smackdown your second week back in the WWE, that was a nice outfit, and a few weeks later on Sunday Night Heat, my other favorite diva Trish Stratus was wrestling Molly Holly, and I notice that she wearing a Victoria Secret like wrestling attire(the same attire she is wearing in my signature pictures of you & her) that totally matches your catsuit, did Trish get the idea for her wrestling attire from your catsuit, and other one is your Great American Bash(2004) wrestling attire, it was very different(and hot) from your previous attires your wore during your matches, and the hood was a nice touch, who came up with the ideas for the outfit?
Thanks For Your Time & Answering My Questions.
A: 1. Well I mean evey wrestler who has stepped into the ring knows how to do arm drags and moves like that. It's just the moves that I did, those were the moves that I was most comfortable with.
2. Me of course!
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