At last you can personally contact Rena herself as she's given me permission to display her e-mail address on the site.
Fans can e-mail her with fan mail or questions for her if they so choose. While she can't personally reply to all her mail as she gets so much, you can be certain that Rena will read it as she reads all her mail.
Also, Rena is currently open to doing interviews with websites and all you have to do is ask her for an interview and there's a good chance she will do it. If she responds to your e-mail, that means she's interested. If you don't get a response, that means she's not interested in your query as that's her way of saying no.
For technical issues concerning the website or if you have any pics to send, you should contact the webmaster below at his address.
 Contact Rena
 Contact Webmaster
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